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#syllabi: Home

what is #syllabus?

This type of open source format is heavily rooted in black intellectual thought. When Dr. Marcia Chatelain, professor of History at Georgetown University, tweeted the hashtag #FergusonSyllabus a movement began on Twitter and Facebook. The utilization of a public space to gather information is a decolonizing act and “crowd-sourced syllabi are acts of resistance."

The #syllabi named below is not an exhaustive list. 

Racism Review hosts the Hashtag Syllabus Project. It serves as central hub for many of the recent hashtag syllabus projects popping up on the corners of web. 

POC Online Classroom is a collection of resources, syllabi, and zines curated by and for people of color. 






#Charlottesville Syllabus




Teaching Trayvon