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Ease Employment Anxiety: Searching for Career Information

This guide contains information and resources that can help you as you research potential careers.

Web Resources for Career Information

Occupational Outlook Handbook

This page is a great place to start exploring different careers. You can select a broad field like 'Mathematics' or 'Arts and Design' or you can browse by education level, salary, or projected field growth. When looking at a career, we recommend looking for a variety of information, take the time to look into qualitative research on a field (example focus groups or meeting alumni in the field) as well as quantitative (statistics). 

The gif below show you how to navigate to a career summary.

Field of Degree

Field of Degree pages house data and info from government statistics for a variety of academic fields. This is a useful place to search for careers based on your academic interests. Remember to think across different disciplines! 

The gif below shows you how to get started with this page. 

Don't forget about library resources as you start a deep-dive into career research! We have many books and resources on a variety of different careers. 

Search Tips:

  • To search by subject heading, start your query with: SU: search term. The search below, for example will return books that include "Graphic Designer" as a subject heading. A subject heading is another phrase for a major topic in the book. 

  • Remember that you can join together multiple keywords using Boolean Logic. Boolean Logic is basically saying all or nothing. The three words are AND, OR, and NOT. When you add these words to your search equation it tells the database what additional words, phrases, or concepts you are interested in. For Example searching:
    • Teacher AND Biology will return results that include both the words Teacher and Biology. In this case, you could also search "biology teacher" (with the quotations), this tells the database that you biology and teacher need to show up in the results in that exact order. AND narrows your search.
    • Teacher OR instructor will return books that are tagged with both of these words. OR broadens your search.
    • Education NOT virtual will return results that DO NOT include the word virtual. NOT narrows your search, but, keep in mind that you can accidentally exclude great resources that only touch on a topic you're not interested in. We recommend trying your search without NOT first.