American Anthropologist Publishing Style
American Antiquity Style Guide
American Ethnologist Stylesheet
Current Anthropology Style Guide
Chicago/Turabian - (Purdue Online Writing Lab)
Chicago Manual of Style - (University of Wisconsin Writing Center)
The most robust version of this tool operates a plug-in for the Firefox and Chrome browser. The tool allows users to organize citations from databases and web browsing, store the library citations on a local hard drive, removable storage, or remote web page. Stored citations can be added directly to papers and bibliographies using a plug-in for MS Word and OpenOffice. Paper Machines is a plug in for Zotero which allows you to visualize the data held within your profile using word clouds, topic modeling, phrase nets, and geoparsing.
Examples from American Anthropologist
Chapter in a book
Chapter in a book
Online news article
Examples from American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Chapter in a book